Stellar Content Prompts for the Week of Revolution
Speaking to what's top of mind in the week of Gate 49 | Human Design Emotional Center
This week, as the Sun moves into Gate 49, it’s time for a revolution. But not the dramatic, flip-the-table kind… rather the kind that changes everything from the inside out. The kind where you stop settling, stop second-guessing, and finally start living in alignment with what actually matters to you.
Right now, people are craving clarity and courage. They’re tired of forcing themselves to fit into lives, relationships, or routines that no longer serve them. They’re ready to make real, lasting change. But let’s be honest, change is scary. What if they make the wrong move? What if people don’t get it? What if they regret it?
What they need most this week is permission… permission to choose differently, to trust that letting go of what’s not working makes room for something better. But too many are stuck in the “what if” spiral. Some are holding on too tight, hoping things magically improve. Others are burning bridges without a plan. And some are just stuck, waiting for the perfect moment to act.
Gate 49 is here to say: Enough already. If something feels off, it is off. Stop ignoring your own instincts. This isn’t about wrecking everything, but about making aligned decisions that move you forward. It’s about saying no to what drains you so you can say yes to what lights you up.
When we tap into the energy of Gate 49, we help people see that they can choose differently. That they should choose differently. That they’re not selfish for wanting something better… they’re simply waking up. And when they do? That’s when the magic happens.
So, let’s craft some epic content for your audience using the 1:11 Method.
If you’re new here, the 1:11 Method is all about taking a single theme and spinning it into 11 types of content, giving you maximum impact with minimal effort.
Because let’s be real… we’re here to make a difference, not spend our entire lives glued to our screens.
✍️ Get your pen & paper out to jot down ideas (or a Notion board, Google Doc, whatever you like).
❌ Ignore prompts where the content ideas are not flowing out of you. There are so many post ideas on this list, so you can skip 4-7 of the 1:11 types and still be good.
💡 Pause and outline your idea as soon as you have a spark. Only then move on to reading the next prompt / idea / hook from the list below.
🏁 Use the Copywrite formulas to develop the idea into an engaging post. (SMS or BABI are my favs, PAMS right after them.
*you don’t have to use these hooks too literally. Play with them, don’t be trapped by them.